Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

‘Marriage is a gift of God and a means of grace.’  This is a line from the wedding service and a beautiful summation of marriage.  In a wedding, couples make promises to each other before witnesses and before God that they will love and honour each other all of their lives.  This important occasion is a time to celebrate and give thanks, and Portobello and Joppa Parish Church would be pleased to be a part of this important ceremony.  If you live in the area or have a connection with the church, please do get in touch with the minister, Stewart Weaver, and the possibility of a wedding can be discussed.

Many couples approach us to baptise their child.  We are always delighted to celebrate a new life within the church family, giving thanks to God for a precious gift and asking God’s blessing on the child and all who will be a part of his or her life.  If you live in the area or have a connection with the church, please do get in touch with the minister, Stewart Weaver, and arrangements can be made.

There is always sorrow and grief when someone close to us passes away.  Yet it can be a time for thanksgiving, a time for celebration and a time to reflect upon the many blessings and memories our loved ones have given to us.  Funeral services are a means to lift up a person’s life before God, give thanks for the unique life lived and ask for God’s blessing on that person and on those who mourn.  We are glad to assist in any way we can.  Please contact the minister, Stewart Weaver, to make arrangements.